Could truth perhaps be a woman who has reasons for not permitting her reasons to be seen? Could her name perhaps be--to speak Greek--Baubo?... Oh, those Greeks! They understood how to live: to do that it is necessary to stop bravely at the surface, the fold, the skin, to adore the appearance, to believe in forms, in tones, in words, in the whole Olympus of appearance! Those Greeks were superficial--out of profundity!
Friedrich NietzscheHappiness is a fata morgana. the only way to not end up unhappy is to not long for happiness.
Friedrich NietzscheOne has to pay dearly for immortality; one has to die several times while one is still alive.
Friedrich NietzscheI could dispense with nothing when I created the superman. His seed still carries all your evil and falsehood, your lies and yourignorance.
Friedrich Nietzsche