Go through the towns and ask yourselves whether these people should reproduce! Let them go to their whores!
Friedrich NietzscheWhat an age experiences as evil is usually an untimely reverberation echoing what was previously experienced as good--the atavismof an older ideal.
Friedrich NietzscheInaction, letting be, neither creating nor destroying--that is my evil. And also the knower as one without desire.
Friedrich NietzscheCould truth perhaps be a woman who has reasons for not permitting her reasons to be seen? Could her name perhaps be--to speak Greek--Baubo?... Oh, those Greeks! They understood how to live: to do that it is necessary to stop bravely at the surface, the fold, the skin, to adore the appearance, to believe in forms, in tones, in words, in the whole Olympus of appearance! Those Greeks were superficial--out of profundity!
Friedrich Nietzsche