Instruments and playthings are sense and spirit: behind them there is still the Self. The Self seeketh with the eyes of the senses, it hearkeneth also with the ears of the spirit.
Friedrich NietzscheLet old ones go. Dont be a memory-monger! Once you were young──now you are even younger.
Friedrich NietzscheThere are men who desire power simply for the sake of the happiness it will bring; these belong chiefly to political parties.
Friedrich NietzscheOne should not wrongly reify 'cause' and 'effect,' as the natural scientists do (and whoever, like them, now 'naturalizes' in his thinking), according to the prevailing mechanical doltishness which makes the cause press and push until it 'effects' its end; one should use 'cause' and 'effect' only as pure concepts, that is to say, as conventional fictions for the purpose of designation and communication-not for explanation.
Friedrich Nietzsche