Anecdote: Greatness Means Leading the Way. No stream is large and copious of itself, but becomes great by receiving and leading on so many tributary streams. It is so, also, with all intellectual greatness, It is only a question of someone indicating the direction to be followed by so many affluent; not whether he was richly or poorly gifted originally.
Friedrich NietzscheWinter, a bad guest, sitteth with me at home; blue are my hands with his friendly handshaking
Friedrich NietzscheForgetting: that is a divine capacity. And whoever aspires to the heights and wants to fly must cast off much that is heavy and make himself light--I call it a divine capacity for lightness.
Friedrich NietzscheIt is I, the ungodly Zarathustra, who says:Who is more ungodly than I, that I may rejoice in his teaching?
Friedrich Nietzsche