"Ego," sayest thou, and art proud of that word. But the greater thing - in which thou art unwilling to believe - is thy body with its big sagacity; it saith not "ego," but doeth it.
Friedrich NietzscheThe soul must have its chosen sewers to carry away its ordure. This function is performed by persons, relationships, professions, the fatherland, the world, or finally, for the really arrogant - I mean our modern pessimists - by the Good God himself.
Friedrich NietzscheThe sensible author writes for no other posterity than his own--that is, for his age--so as to be able even then to take pleasurein himself.
Friedrich NietzscheEveryone who enjoys supposes that the tree was concerned with the fruit, but it was really concerned with the seed. -In this lies the difference between all those who create and those who enjoy.
Friedrich Nietzsche