The relatives of a suicide hold it against him that out of consideration for their reputation he did not remain alive.
Friedrich NietzscheA matter that becomes clear ceases to concern us.--What was that god thinking who counseled, "Know thyself!" Did he perhaps mean,"Cease to concern yourself! Become objective!"--And Socrates?--And "scientific men"?
Friedrich NietzscheThe most unequivocal sign of contempt for man is to regard everybody merely as a means to one's own ends, or of no account whatever.
Friedrich NietzscheLet man fear woman when she loves: then she makes any sacrifice, and everything else seems without value to her
Friedrich NietzscheHas there ever been anything filthier on earth than the saints in the wilderness? Around them was not only the devil loose around them- but also the swine.
Friedrich NietzscheTo live as I incline, or not to live at all: so do I wish; so wisheth also the holiest. But alas! how have I still - inclination? Have I-still a goal? A haven towards which MY sail is set?A good wind? Ah, he only who knoweth WHITHER he saileth, knoweth what wind is good, and a fair wind for him.What still remaineth to me? A heart weary and flippant; and unstable will; fluttering wings; a broken backbone.This seeking for MY home: O Zarathustra, dost thou know that this seeking hath been MY home-sickening; it eateth me up.
Friedrich Nietzsche