When horror is associated with what is harmful, evil results, when disgust does, badness.
Friedrich NietzscheOne should part from life as Odysseus parted from Nausicaa-blessing it rather than in love with it.
Friedrich NietzscheThis sign I give you: every people speaks its tongue of good and evil, which the neighbor does not understand. It has invented its own language of customs and rights.
Friedrich NietzscheI understand by 'freedom of spirit' something quite definite - the unconditional will to say No, where it is dangerous to say No.
Friedrich NietzscheMankind must work continually to produce individual great human beings - this and nothing else is the task... for the question is this : How can your life, the individual life, retain the highest value, the deepest significance? Only by living for the good of the rarest and most valuable specimens.
Friedrich Nietzsche