Lightning and thunder need time, the light of the stars needs time, deeds need time, even after they are done, to be seen and heard.
Friedrich NietzscheBecause men really respect only that which was founded of old and has developed slowly, he who wants to live on after his death must take care not only of his posterity but even more of his past.
Friedrich NietzscheWhoever has provoked men to rage against him has always gained a party in his favor, too.
Friedrich NietzscheKnowing things halfway is a greater success than knowing things completely: it takes things to be simpler than they really are andso makes its opinions more easily understandable and persuasive.
Friedrich NietzscheTruth is a mobile army of metaphors, metonyms, anthropomorphisms, in short a sum of human relations which have been subjected to poetic and rhetorical intensification, translation and decoration […]; truths are illusions of which we have forgotten that they are illusions, metaphors which have become worn by frequent use and have lost all sensuous vigour […]. Yet we still do not know where the drive to truth comes from, for so far we have only heard about the obligation to be truthful which society imposes in order to exist" from, "On Truth and Lying in a Non-Moral Sense".
Friedrich Nietzsche