He who knows himself to be profound endeavors to be clear; he who would like to appear profound to the crowd endeavors to be obscure.
Friedrich NietzscheI know the hatred and envy of your hearts. Ye are not great enough not to know of hatred and envy. Then be great enough not to be ashamed of them!
Friedrich NietzscheFor what purpose humanity is there should not even concern us: why you are here, that you should ask yourself: and if you have no ready answer, then set for yourself goals, high and noble goals, and perish in pursuit of them!
Friedrich NietzscheIn order to acquire intellect one must need it. One loses it when it is no longer necessary.
Friedrich NietzscheYou call yourself free? I want to hear your ruling thought and not that you have escaped a yoke. Are you such a one as was permitted to escape a yoke? There are some who threw away their ultimate worth when they threw away their servitude. Free from what? What is that to Zarathustra! But your eyes should announce to me brightly: free for what?
Friedrich Nietzsche