Let them like the Tibetans, chew the cud of their "om mane padme hum" innumerable times, or, as in Benares, count the name of the God Ram-Ram-Ram (etc. with or without charm) on their fingers; or honour Vishnu with his thousand names of invocation, Allah with his ninety-nine; or they may make use of the prayer-wheels and the rosary: the main thing is that they are settled down for a time at this work and are tolerable to look at. This kind of prayer has been invented for the benefit of the pious who have thought and elevations of their own.
Friedrich NietzscheIntoxicating joy is it for the sufferer to look away from his suffering and forget himself. Intoxicating joy and self-forgetting, did the world once seem to me.
Friedrich NietzscheTo one who is accustomed to thinking a lot, every new thought that he hears or reads about immediately appears as a link in a chain.
Friedrich NietzscheAt the very moment when someone is beginning to take philosophy seriously, the whole world believes the opposite.
Friedrich Nietzsche