The enemies of living life; outdated little liberals, afraid of their own independence; lackeys of thought, enemies of the person and freedom, decrepit preachers of carrion and rot! What do they have: gray heads, the golden mean, the most abject and philistine giftlessness, envious equality, equality without personal dignity, equality as understood by a lackey or a Frenchman of the year ninety-three...And scoundrells, above all, scoundrels, scoundrels everywhere!
Fyodor DostoevskySince I wasn't consulted at the time of the creation of the world, I reserve for myself the right to have my own opinion about it.
Fyodor DostoevskyTwo times two will be four even without my will. Is that what you call man's free will?
Fyodor DostoevskyWe are born dead, and we are becoming more and more contented with our condition. We are acquiring the taste for it.
Fyodor Dostoevsky