You can never awaken using the same system that put you to sleep in the first place.
G. I. GurdjieffIn properly organized groups no faith is required; what is required is simply a little trust and even that only for a little while, for the sooner a man begins to verify all he hears the better it is for him.
G. I. GurdjieffThe first reason for people's slavery is our ignorance, and above all, our ignorance of ourselves.
G. I. GurdjieffReal love is a cosmic force which goes through us. If we crystallize it, it becomes the greatest power in the world.
G. I. GurdjieffThere do exist enquiring minds, which long for the truth of the heart, seek it, strive to solve the problems set by life, try to penetrate to the essence of things and phenomena and to penetrate into themselves. If a man reasons and thinks soundly, no matter which path he follows in solving these problems, he must inevitably arrive back at himself, and begin with the solution of the problem of what he is himself and what his place is in the world around him.
G. I. Gurdjieff