You could be a gambler. A thief, for all I know. Besides—” He captured her hand and stopped her from walking on, holding her in place. “Besides what, you insufferable prude?” “Prude, eh? Do you need another kiss to remind you what a prude I am?” “Don’t you dare.” “Then don’t call me names.” “You started it.
Gaelen FoleyI grew up in a haunted castle, boys. If you've never had a ghost try to push you down the stairs, you've never lived.
Gaelen FoleyWhen you find the one, my lad, grab her up in your arms and never let her go. You may never get another chance.
Gaelen FoleyThere are some people that we know all our lives and yet never really feel we know them at all. But there are other people—” Unable to resist the temptation, he ran a feather-light caress down the curve of her cheek with one leather-sheathed knuckle. The cobalt depths of her eyes flickered with response, but she said nothing, heeding his every word. “—people we meet in a day, and instantly, it feels as though we’ve known them all our lives.
Gaelen Foley