Scotsmen, she had occasion to observe, often did have nice knees. Perhaps that was why they insisted upon kilts.
Gail CarrigerI do not giggle without purpose. Lady Linette says you should never misapply a giggle.
Gail CarrigerShe boasted the general battle-ax demeanor of an especially strict governess. This was the kind of woman who took her tea black, smoked cigars after midnight, played a mean game of cribbage, and kept a bevy of repulsive little dogs. Alexia liked her immediately.
Gail CarrigerWith a resigned shrug, she screamed and collapsed into a faint. She stayed resolutely fainted, despite the liberal application of smelling salts, which made her eyes water most tremendously, a cramp in the back of one knee, and the fact that her new ball gown was getting most awfully wrinkled.
Gail Carriger