In an approximate way, the logic of commons has been understood for a long time, perhaps since the discovery of agriculture or the invention of private property in real estate.
Garrett HardinYou can never do merely one thing. The law applies to any action that changes something in a complex system. The point is that an action taken to alleviate a problem will trigger several effects, some of which may offset or even negate the one intended.
Garrett HardinThe greatest folly is to accept expert statements uncritically. At the very least, we should always seek another opinion.
Garrett HardinBut as population became denser, the natural chemical and biological recycling processes became overloaded, calling for a redefinition of property rights.
Garrett HardinSociety does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born.
Garrett Hardin