The propaganda machine keeps on churning out lies and deceit. And the obedient, unthinking, apathetic people in our society keep accepting it.
Gary YourofskyOur society pushes "family" because once people have families, the chance of becoming active lessens.
Gary YourofskyMy stepfather used to be a clown in The Shrine Circus. He took me backstage when I was 23. I saw three elephants chained to the cement floor in the warehouse of the Michigan State Fairgrounds. Sadness, hopelessness and fear were emanating from their eyes, from their bodies. They were swaying neurotically from side to side. A monkey was screaming in his cage, grabbing the bars of his prison. Two tigers were pacing feverishly in their tiny cages. Cruelty was staring me in the face. I knew something was wrong. If you pay attention to energy, you can tell when a fellow being is in peril.
Gary YourofskyThou shalt not kill: the four most important, and yet, most ignored words in all religious teachings. There is not an asterisk next to that commandment saying, โUnless you walk on all four and have fur, feathers, horns, beaks or gills.
Gary YourofskyWhen women and blacks were let in, the system didn't miss a beat. When gays are given their equality, the system will be as stable/unstable as it was before. And when animals are liberated one day, the world will be a beautiful place and the system will still function.
Gary YourofskyIs slavery - owner, victim, profit, and domination - exclusive to the human race? Have blacks, Jews, women and children been the only victims of this atrocity? Have not cows been enslaved? What about pigs, chickens, turkeys, fish, sheep? If theyโre not enslaved, then what are they? Free?
Gary Yourofsky