I simply wish my parents would have taught me about speciesism and how it was just as evil as racism, sexism and heterosexism. Sadly, my parents were lied to by their parents who were lied to by their parents and so on.
Gary YourofskyThe problem is that humans have victimized animals to such a degree that they are not even considered victims. They are not even considered at all. They are nothing. They don't count; they don't matter; they're commodities like TV sets and cell phones. We have actually turned animals into inanimate objects - sandwiches and shoes.
Gary YourofskyIn the same way humans have domesticated sheep and other animals by murdering the strong ones and breeding the docile, obedient ones, the powers-that-be have done the same with the masses.
Gary YourofskyThe propaganda machine is endless. Religion, media and schools spew intentional lies and misinformation about proper human-to-animal relationships.
Gary YourofskyI know you have the capability to understand right from wrong because you hate people who harm children. Well, why not despise people who harm animals? It's hypocritical! Why protect one and violate the other when neither one wants or deserves the abuse? They just wish it would end. Stop praising the innocence in children then ignoring or making fun of the innocence in animals.
Gary Yourofsky