In France now, there's no problem with official censorship. Once your movie is finished, you always are R-rated. My movie is just R-rated in France. But when you meet French producers with a script like mine, they behave like the most fragile chickens in the world. They just tell you "Oh, no. You should cut this. You should cut that." And at the end you have been totally censored on the synopsis, and then on the script.
Gaspar NoeThe hateful reviews are very funny. And sometimes you can enjoy a hateful review much more than a good review.
Gaspar NoeHallucinations are an inner experience in which most of the time you forget you're there.
Gaspar NoeIn England they need a king, in Spain they need a king, in France there is no more king. But they consider the president as if he was a king.
Gaspar Noe