If you're a Bosnian and suddenly you get attacked by the Serbs, there's just one way of getting rid of your opponents. It's taking revenge and trying to fight as hard as you can.
Gaspar NoeEverybody wants to lie to himself, pretending that there's something else besides only the normal life you're living in.
Gaspar NoeOn an everyday level, I use alcohol and drugs in general mostly to be in a happier mood, with the people around me.
Gaspar NoeIn most cases, I don't know how much, I cannot say if it's ninety nine percent or eighty percent, but the problem with incestuous relationships is that they often come from frustration. And from need of power.
Gaspar NoeFalling in love is when the presence of this person makes you release all kinds of substances in your brain, serotonins and endorphins. The moment you break up with that same person, you feel like a junkie who is not getting the drug anymore. Many times I've heard people say, "I'm in love with falling in love". You get all the best and all the worst in the same place.
Gaspar Noe