Consider what you want to do in relation to what you are capable of doing. Climbing is, above all, a matter of integrity.
Gaston RebuffatL'alpiniste est un homme qui conduit son corps lร oรน, un jour, ses yeux ont regardรฉ. Et qui revient.
Gaston RebuffatSome mountaineers are proud of having done all their climbs without bivouac. How much they have missed ! And the same applies to those who enjoy only rock climbing, or only the ice climbs, onyl the ridges or faces. We should refuse none of the thousands and one joys that the mountains offer us at every turn. We should brush nothing aside, set no restrictions. We should experience hunger and thirst, be able to go fast, but also to go slowly and to contemplate.
Gaston RebuffatThe ascent of any route begins, in dreams at least, the autumn before. Our minds ring, involuntarily, with the alluring names of mountains, aiguilles, faces and ridges, Is it the name itself which is so tempting, or the picture we have of the mountain itself, or does the appeal come from our feeling of the actual process of climbing? All of us have our reasons, innumerable, personal and complex. From many points of view a climb is a challenge we must meet.
Gaston Rebuffat