For those struggling in midstream, in great fear of the flood, of growing old and of dying for all those I say, an island exists where there is no place for impediments, no place for clinging: the island of no going beyond. I call it nirvana, the complete destruction of old age and dying.
Gautama BuddhaObserve the life by cause and consequence. Explore the life by wisdom. Treat the life by equality. Complete the life by love.
Gautama BuddhaAll tremble at violence; all fear death. Putting oneself in the place of another, one should not kill nor cause another to kill.
Gautama BuddhaThus all things are subject to death, sorrow and suffering. I became aware that I too was of the same nature, the nature of beginning and end. What if I searched for that which underlies all creation, that which is nirvana, the perfect freedom from unconditioned existence?
Gautama Buddha