Goodwill toward all beings is the true religion; cherish in your hearts boundless goodwill to all that lives.
Gautama BuddhaWe are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.
Gautama BuddhaA good friend who points out mistakes is to be respected, as if he reveals a secret of hidden treasure.
Gautama BuddhaIn his ignorance of the whole truth, each person maintains his own arrogant point of view.
Gautama BuddhaWithout approval and without scorn, but carefully studying the sentences word by word, one should trace them in the Discourses and verify them by the Discipline. If they are neither traceable in the Discourses nor verifiable by the Discipline, one must conclude thus: 'Certainly, this is not the Blessed One's utterance; this has been misunderstood by that bhikkhu - or by that community, or by those elders, or by that elder.' In that way, bhikkhus, you should reject it.
Gautama Buddha