Do not vainly lament, but do wonder at the rule of transiency and learn from it the emptiness of human life. Do not cherish to unworthy desire that the changeable might become unchanging.
Gautama BuddhaWatering the flowers and the trees, whispering to them, talking to them. Then, they will grow to be more bright and luxuriant.
Gautama BuddhaThe fool who thinks he is wise is just a fool. The fool who knows he is a fool is wise indeed.
Gautama BuddhaWhen you like a flower, you just pluck it. But when you love a flower, you water it daily.
Gautama BuddhaHow easy it is to see your brother's faults, How hard it is to face your own. You winnow his in the wind like chaff, But yours you hide, Like a cheat covering up an unlucky throw. Dwelling on your brother's faults Multiplies your own. You are far from the end of your journey. The way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart. See how you love.
Gautama Buddha