The term ‘reconciliation’ describes the atonement as springing from the initiative of God Himself.
Geerhardus VosBiblical that part of Exegetical Theology which deals with the revelation of God in its historic continuity...Biblical Theology, rightly defined, is nothing else than the exhibition of the organic progress of supernatural revelation in its historic continuity and multiformity.
Geerhardus VosThe resurrection stands related to righteousness in the same way that death stands related to sin.
Geerhardus VosIn the resurrection there is already wrapped up a judging-process, at least for believers: the raising act in their case, together with the attending change, plainly involves a pronouncement of vindication. The resurrection does more than prepare its object for undergoing the judgment; it sets in motion and to a certain extent anticipates the issue of the judgment for the Christian. And it were not incorrect to offset this by saying that the judgement places the seal on what the believer has received in the resurrection.
Geerhardus Vos