Non-Western immigrants, often Muslims, are over-represented in statistics of crime, of dependency on social benefits, that we have honour killings, that we have genital mutilation, that we have streets where women with headscarves and burqas are not the exception any more. And that it's getting worse.
Geert WildersI am not saying that I want to ban Islam. I want less Islam in Europe because it doesn't allow any room for debate.
Geert WildersIslam is according to me, my party, not so much a religion as well as it is a totalitarian ideology.
Geert WildersIf you've been to the city of Malmo in Sweden, or to Berlin or to Hamburg or to London or to Paris in the suburbs, or Rotterdam in my own country. You see many cities where there is a city within a city - where even today in the United Kingdom - I don't know if you're aware of that - there are even sharia courts active, whether it's rulings that the worth of a woman is half of that of a man.
Geert Wilders