He gave her what no one else had ever been able to give. A past to cherish. A present to enjoy. A future to anticipate
Gena ShowalterHe had no one but himself to blame, for heโd opened himself up to it. Just a fraction at first, like a crack in a window. But the funny thing was, once you welcomed in a breeze, there was no stopping what came next. A wind, a storm, thunder and lightning, until you could no longer reach the window to close itโand didnโt really want to anyway. Thatโs what this new darkness was. Evil in its purest form... -Paris
Gena ShowalterSuddenly self-conscious, she shifted from one booted foot to the other. "I asked the cloud for battle-ready clothing, and this is what I got. There are slits all over the pants, for easy access to the weapons, I'm guessing. But the bustier has me stumped. Unless, of course, the cloud thinks my cleavage will stun my opponents into stupidity." -Annabelle
Gena ShowalterHow do we thank an angel? Somehow I donโt think a fruit basket will do the trick." ~ Amun
Gena Showalter