Nonviolent struggle is the most powerful means available to those struggling for freedom.
Gene SharpWhatever promises offered by dictators in any negotiated settlement, no one should ever forget that the dictators may promise anything to secure submission from their democratic opponents, and then brazenly violate those same agreements.
Gene SharpThat is straight out of Gandhi. If people are not afraid of the dictatorship, that dictatorship is in big trouble. โฆ If you fight with violence, you are fighting with your enemyโs best weapon, and you may be a brave but dead hero.
Gene SharpBy placing confidence in violent means, one has chosen the very type of struggle with which the oppressors nearly always have superiority.
Gene SharpThere should be no romanticism that international public opinion or even international diplomatic and economic pressure can defeat a coup without determined and strong defense by the attacked society itself
Gene SharpDictatorships usually exist primarily because of the internal power distribution in the home country. The population and society are too weak to cause the dictatorship serious problems, wealth and power are concentrated in too few hands. Although dictatorships may benefit from or be somewhat weakened by international actions, their continuation is dependent primarily on internal factors.
Gene Sharp