To my way of thinking and working, the greatest service a piece of fiction can do any reader is to leave him with a higher ideal of life than he had when he began. If in one small degree it shows him where he can be...gentler, saner, cleaner, is a wonder-working book. If it opens his eyes to one beauty in nature he never saw for himself and leads him one step toward the God of the Universe, it is a beneficial book.
Gene Stratton-Porterno one in the whole world knows all a man's bignesses and all his littlenesses as his wife does.
Gene Stratton-PorterSometimes it seems to me that the more we get hurt in this world the decenter it makes us.
Gene Stratton-PorterThe world is full of happy people but no one ever hears of them. You have to fight and make a scandal to get in the papers. No one knows about all the happy people.
Gene Stratton-PorterNow what is a guest? A thing of a day! A person who disturbs your routine and interferes with important concerns. Why should any one be grateful for company? Why should time and money be lavished on visitors? They come. You overwork yourself. They go. You are glad of it. You return the visit, because it's the only way to have back at them.
Gene Stratton-Porter