To my way of thinking and working, the greatest service a piece of fiction can do any reader is to leave him with a higher ideal of life than he had when he began. If in one small degree it shows him where he can be...gentler, saner, cleaner, is a wonder-working book. If it opens his eyes to one beauty in nature he never saw for himself and leads him one step toward the God of the Universe, it is a beneficial book.
Gene Stratton-Porterit takes the very wisest person there is to know when to talk, and when to keep still.
Gene Stratton-PorterMy publishers will make any kind of a beautiful book I design and send in to them, but ... For poetry they have less use than a rooster would have for skates.
Gene Stratton-Porterthe friend in need is the one who is the friend in deed; ... if people were not friends in need, there was every likelihood that they never would be friends again in any conditions that might obtain.
Gene Stratton-PorterBut Aunt Margaret doesn't like boys," objected Elnora. "Well, she likes me, and I used to be a boy.
Gene Stratton-Porter