I think Marco Rubio could never have recovered from revealing himself to be pathetic.
Gene WeingartenI was possessing heroin in fairly large quantities in New York City during the years of the draconian Rockefeller Drug Laws. Had I been busted, I would have faced mandatory life in prison. I don't think many white kids walked, either. I knew one who got 15 years for pot.
Gene WeingartenI think there are a good many Donald Trump voters who are sick of government as it is practiced in America and genuinely want to blow up the system and see what happens. They are stupid - or at least unwise - but not necessarily racist.
Gene WeingartenThe Jewish women like Bethany Mandel fare the worst, because they are getting both antisemitic stuff and anti-woman stuff.
Gene WeingartenI believe that the fragile-flower, idea-intolerant society of victimhood that is being cultivated in many colleges today is really bad.
Gene WeingartenDonald Trump is way worse than George W. Bush. George W. Bush is a fundamentally decent man of limited intelligence who surrounded himself with awful people who dragged him in terrible directions. He was a bad president. But he was not actively malign, in the sense that he did what he thought was right. I don't think this guy cares what's right. I think he's in it for self-aggrandizement, for profit, and for power.
Gene Weingarten