I really like the George Clooney of Solaris also filmed by Andrei Tarkovsky, before Steven Soderbergh: that's very obviously sci-fi, and it seems to me a great film. But whatever pigeon-hole you put Stalker into you would both be increasing the risk of disappointing people and diminishing the film.
Geoff DyerNine times out of 10, the most charming thing to say in any given situation will be the exact opposite of what one really feels.
Geoff DyerI like these nonfiction books where everything that is interesting about them is lost in that catch-all description of their "about"-ness.
Geoff DyerOne of the reasons so many nonfiction books are so boring is because what they've done, very diligently, is fulfill the terms of their proposals. They've written up their proposal, long-form, and often what this does is then set up a sort of serial deal, where the whole book can essentially be reduced back to the size of the original proposal!
Geoff Dyer