I would give something to know for whose sake precisely those deeds were really done which report says were done for the fatherland.
Georg C. LichtenbergA man of spirit must not think of the word difficulty as so much as existing. Away with it!
Georg C. LichtenbergWhenever he composes a critical review, I have been told, he gets an enormous erection.
Georg C. LichtenbergJust as the performance of the vilest and most wicked deeds requires spirit and talent, so even the greatest demand a certain insensitivity which under other circumstances we would call stupidity.
Georg C. LichtenbergOne cannot demand of a scholar that he show himself a scholar everywhere in society, but the whole tenor of his behavior must none the less betray the thinker, he must always be instructive, his way of judging a thing must even in the smallest matters be such that people can see what it will amount to when, quietly and self-collected, he puts this power to scholarly use.
Georg C. Lichtenberg