Whatever happens, every individual is a child of his time; so philosophy too is its own time apprehended in thoughts. It is just as absurd to fancy that a philosophy can transcend its contemporary world as it is to fancy that an individual can overleap his own age, jump over Rhodes.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich HegelHistory is not the soil of happiness. The periods of happiness are blank pages in it.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich HegelChildren are potentially free and their life directly embodies nothing save potential freedom. Consequently they are not things and cannot be the property either of their parents or others.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich HegelIf we go on to cast a look at the fate of these World-Historical persons, whose vocation it was to be the agents of the World-Spirit, we shall find it to have been no happy one. They attained no calm enjoyment; their whole life was labour and trouble; their whole nature was nought else but their masterโpassion. When their object is attained they fall off like empty hulls from the kernel. They die early, like Alexander; they are murdered, like Caesar.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich HegelAs high as mind stands above nature, so high does the state stand above physical life. Man must therefore venerate the state as a secular deity.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel