Casting an eye on the education of children, from whence I can make a judgment of my own, I observe they are instructed in religious matters before they can reason about them, and consequently that all such instruction is nothing else but filling the tender mind of a child with prejudices.
George BerkeleySo long as I confine my thoughts to my own ideas divested of words, I do not see how I can be easily mistaken.
George BerkeleyGod is a being of transcendent and unlimited perfections: his nature therefore is incomprehensible to finite spirits.
George BerkeleyIf we admit a thing so extraordinary as the creation of this world, it should seem that we admit something strange, and odd, and new to human apprehension, beyond any other miracle whatsoever.
George BerkeleyThe most ingenious men are now agreed, that [universities] are only nurseries of prejudice, corruption, barbarism, and pedantry.
George Berkeley