No compromise is possible and the victory of the democracies can only be complete with the utter defeat of the war machines of Germany and Japan.
George C. MarshallThe soldier's heart, the soldier's spirit, the soldier's soul, are everything. Unless the soldier's soul sustains him he cannot be relied on and will fail himself and his commander and his country in the end.
George C. MarshallI am certain that a solution of the general problem of peace must rest on broad and basic understanding on the part of its peoples. Great single endeavors like a League of Nations, a United Nations, and undertakings of that character, are of great importance and in fact absolutely necessary, but they must be treated as steps toward the desired end.
George C. MarshallWhen a thing is done, it's done. Don't look back. Look forward to your next objective.
George C. MarshallOur policy is directed not against any country or doctrine but against hunger, poverty, desperation and chaos. Its purpose should be the revival of a working economy in the world so as to permit the emergence of political and social conditions in which free institutions can exist.
George C. Marshall