We also share a profound desire for a lasting peace in the Middle East. My Administration is dedicated to achieving this goal, one which will guarantee Israel security. At the same time, we will do our utmost to defend and protect Israel, for unless Israel is strong and secure, then peace will always be beyond our grasp. We were with Israel at the beginning, 41 years ago. We are with Israel today. And we will be with Israel in the future. No one should doubt this basic committment.
George H. W. BushI hope I stand for antibigotry, anti-Semitism, antiracism. This is what drives me.
George H. W. BushI'm going to be so much better a president for having been at the CIA that you're not going to believe it.
George H. W. BushThink about every problem, every challenge, we face. The solution to each starts with education.
George H. W. Bush