Each individual has to burn out his own karma and escape from the chains of maya (illusion), reincarnation, and all that.
George HarrisonThe saddest thing was actually getting fed up with one another. It's like growing up in a family. When you get to a certain age, you want to go off and get your own girl and your own car, split up a bit.
George HarrisonThe more people wake up spiritually, the more they'll begin to realize the depth of what Prabhupada was saying - how much he gave.
George HarrisonI think Prabhupada's accomplishments are very significant; they're huge. Even compared to someone like William Shakespeare, the amount of literature Prabhupada produced is truly amazing. It boggles the mind. He sometimes went for days with only a few hours sleep. I mean even a youthful, athletic young person couldn't keep the pace he kept himself at seventy-nine years of age.
George Harrison