Scan not a friend with a microscopic glass, you know his faults, now let the foibles pass.
George HarrisonDeath is just where your suit falls off and now you're in your other suit. You can't see it on this level, but it's all right. Don't worry.
George HarrisonThrough Yoga, anybody can attain; it's a God realisation; you just practise Yoga and if you really mean it, then you'll do it. There's Yogis that have done it to such a degree that they're God, they're like Christ and they can walk on the water and materialise bodies and they can do all those tricks.
George HarrisonThere's the whole significance of Krishna as the flute player who awakens our consciousness. It doesn't necessarily have to be a flute because for me it was a sitar or a guitar or even Elvis Presley doing "Heartbreak Hotel." It was like Krishna's flute calling me somewhere. It's just really simple when we can remember.
George HarrisonThe media is to blame for everything, for all the misconceptions about the movement, but in a sense it didn't really matter if they said something good or bad, because Krishna consciousness always seemed to transcend that barrier anyway. The fact that the media was letting people know about Krishna was good in itself.
George Harrison