But words are vain; reject them allโ They utter but a feeble part: Hear thou the depths from which they call, The voiceless longing of my heart.
George MacDonaldThings come to the poor that can't get in at the door of the rich. Their money somehow blocks it up. It is a great privilege to be poor--one that no man covets, and brat a very few have sought to retain, but one that yet many have learned to prize.
George MacDonaldBut it is not the rich man only who is under the dominion of things; they too are slaves who, having no money, are unhappy from the lack of it.
George MacDonaldHow many people would like to be good, if only they might be good without taking trouble about it! They do not like goodness well enough to hunger and thirst after it, or to sell all that they have that they may buy it; they will not batter at the gate of the kingdom of heaven; but they look with pleasure on this or that aerial castle of righteousness, and think it would be rather nice to live in it.
George MacDonald