In whatever man does without God, he must fail miserably, or succeed more miserably.
George MacDonaldIt is not in the nature of politics that the best men should be elected. The best men do not want to govern their fellowmen.
George MacDonaldThere is little hope of the repentance and redemption of certain some until they have committed one or another of the many wrong things of which they are daily, through a course of unrestrained selfishness, becoming more and more capable.
George MacDonaldWhat I would say is this, that the light is not blinding because God would hide, but because the truth is too glorious for our vision.
George MacDonaldThe perfection of His relation to us swallows up all our imperfections, all our defeats, all our evils; for our childhood is born of His fatherhood. That man is perfect in faith who can come to God in the utter dearth of his feelings and his desires, without a glow or an aspiration, with the weight of low thoughts, failures, neglects, and wandering forgetfulness, and say to Him, “Thou art my refuge, because Thou art my home”.
George MacDonald