And her life will perhaps be the richer, for holding now within it the memory of what came, but could not stay.
George MacDonaldGod left the world unfinished for man to work his skill upon. He left the electricity still in the cloud, the oil still in the earth. How often we look upon God as our last and feeblest resource! We go to Him because we have nowhere else to go. And then we learn that the storms of life have driven us, not upon the rocks, but into the desired haven.
George MacDonaldTo give truth to him who loves it not is but to give him more plentiful material for misinterpretation.
George MacDonaldBut there are not a few who would be indignant at having their belief in God questioned, who yet seem greatly to fear imagining Him better than He is.
George MacDonaldThe face of the Son of God, who, instead of accepting the sacrifice of one of his creatures to satisfy his justice or support his dignity, gave himself utterly unto them, and therein to the Father by doing his lovely will; who suffered unto the death, not that men might not suffer, but that their suffering might be like his, and lead them up to his perfection.
George MacDonald