If the Holy Spirit guides us, He will do it according to the Scriptures and never contrary to them.
George MullerThe greater the difficulty to be overcome, the more will it be seen to the glory of God how much can be done by prayer and faith.
George MullerA servant of God has but one Master. It ill becomes the servant to seek to be rich, and great, and honored in that world where his Lord was poor, and mean, and despised.
George MullerWhen God overcomes our difficulties for us, we have the assurance that we are engaged in His work and not our own
George MullerMy business is, with all my might to serve my own generation; in doing so I shall best serve the next generation, should the Lord Jesus tarry... The longer I live, the more I am enabled to realize that I have but one life to live on earth, and that this one life is but a brief life, for sowing, in comparison with eternity, for reaping.
George Muller