I have been supporting the European Union, but we are still a work in progress. We have to become more of a United States of Europe. We should talk about electing a president of the E.U., rather than having one selected from the heads of government.
George PapandreouThis is global governance in the making. But we must agree, and agree to a binding commitment.
George PapandreouWe had about 60 regions in Greece and now there are only 13. It'd be like cutting down 50 states to 13 and making it more efficient.
George PapandreouThe real problem in Greece is not cutting taxes, it's making sure that we don't have tax evasion.
George PapandreouFirst of all, Greece won't go down. We're talking about a country that is capable of making change. Europe will not allow the destabilization of the 27-country euro zone. But if there were no action, then markets would start becoming jittery about other countries - and not only Spain and Portugal, but other countries in the European Union.
George Papandreou