I love moving water, I love ships, I love the sharp definition, the concentrated humanity, the sublime solitude of life at sea. The dangers of it only make present to us the peril inherent in all existence, which the stupid, ignorant, un-travelled land-worm never discovers; and the art of it, so mathematical, so exact, so rewarding to intelligence, appeals to courage and clears the mind of superstition, while filling it with humility and true religion.
George SantayanaThat fear first created the gods is perhaps as true as anything so brief could be on so great a subject.
George SantayanaMiracles are propitious accidents, the natural causes of which are too complicated to be readily understood.
George SantayanaNature drives with a loose rein and vitality of any sort can blunder through many a predicament in which reason would despair.
George Santayana