Bill Kristol, is the focus going to be now on Washington and a real consolidation in Washington now. Republicans in control of everything.
George Stephanopoulos[ Donald Trump] deference to the president [Barack Obama] whose legitimacy he questioned.
George StephanopoulosWhat about those [Donald] Trump supporters out there and we've seen several incidents of this, with racially-charged intimidation of students and things like that? Doesn't President-Elect Trump have some responsibility to say something about that?
George StephanopoulosDemocrats had a secret meeting in Reid's office on Halloween night at 6:15 and they hatched this plot. They said the only way they could get this investigation going was to do it in secret. They say they've been frustrated for a year and a half in getting this investigation into whether the administration twisted the intelligence and they're making no apologies whatsoever for it.
George StephanopoulosWe have also seen this spate of incidents, racially-charged incidents, across the country right now. What should President-Elect [Donald] Trump do to get that under control?
George StephanopoulosWe learned that President-elect [Donald] Trump intends to keep his executive producer title on Celebrity Apprentice. We know he's going to come out later this week and talk about how he's going to handle the overall conflicts of interests, perhaps, with his businesses in the White House.
George Stephanopoulos