I now make it my earnest prayer, that God would have you, and the State over which you preside, in his holy protection... and finally, that he would most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that charity, humility, and pacifick temper of the mind, which were the characteristicks of the divine Author of our blessed religion ; without an humble imitation of whose example, in these things, we can never hope to be a happy Nation.
George WashingtonBecause of this ever increasing discernment of the true Mason he/she will find more efficient ways to apply brotherly love, relief and truth.
George WashingtonIt appears to me, then, little short of a miracle, that the Delegates from so many different States . . . should unite in forming a system of national Government, so little liable to well founded objections.
George WashingtonWhat is most important of this grand experiment, the United States? Not the election of the first president but the election of its second president. The peaceful transition of power is what will separate this country from every other country in the world.
George WashingtonTo anticipate and prevent disasterous contingencies would be the part of wisdom and patriotism.
George Washington