Of all the animosities which have existed among mankind, those which are caused by a difference of sentiments in religion appear to be the most inveterate and distressing, and ought to be deprecated. I was in hopes that the enlightened and liberal policy, which has marked the present age, would at least have reconciled Christians of every denomination so far that we should never again see the religious disputes carried to such a pitch as to endanger the peace of society.
George WashingtonI walk on untrodden ground. There is scarcely any part of my conduct which may not hereafter be drawn into precedent.
George WashingtonIt's only natural for unbridled partisanship, unrestrained by allegiance to a greater cause, to lead to chaos.
George WashingtonA slender acquaintance with the world must convince every man that actions, not words, are the true criterion of the attachment of friends.
George Washington... in the present State of America, our welfare and prosperity depend upon the cultivation of our lands and turning the produce of them to the best advantage.
George WashingtonNo pecuniary consideration is more urgent, than the regular redemption and discharge of the public debt: on none can delay be more injurious, or an economy of time more valuable. ... Cherish public credit. One method of preserving it is to use it as sparingly as possible: avoiding occasions of expence (and) avoiding likewise the accumulation of debt ... not ungenerously throwing upon posterity the burthen which we ourselves ought to bear.
George Washington