You blame me for weeping, but how can I help it when you will not weep for yourselves, though your immortal souls are on the verge of destruction.
George WhitefieldIf we once get above our Bibles and cease making the written Word of God our sole rule both as to faith and practice, we shall soon lie open to all manner of delusion and be in great danger of making shipwreck of faith and a good conscience.
George WhitefieldThe fall of man is written in too legible characters not to be understood: Those that deny it, by their denying, prove it.
George WhitefieldThus was the King and the Lord of glory judged by man's judgment, when manifest in flesh: far be it from any of his ministers to expect better treatment.
George WhitefieldBelievers keep up and maintain their walk with God by secret prayer. The spirit of grace is always accompanied with the spirit of supplication. It is the very breath of the new creature, the fan of the divine life, whereby the spark of holy fire, kindled in the soul by God, is not only kept in, but raised into a flame.
George Whitefield