The meaning of a word - to me - is not as exact as the meaning of a color. Colors and shapes make a more definite statement than words.
Georgia O'KeeffeIt was in the 1920s, when nobody had time to reflect, that I saw a still-life painting with a flower that was perfectly exquisite, but so small you really could not appreciate it.
Georgia O'KeeffeI often painted fragments of things because it seemed to make my statement as well as or better than the whole could.
Georgia O'KeeffeI have painted portraits that to me are almost photographic. I remember hesitating to show the paintings, they looked so real to me. But they have passed into the world as abstractions - no one seeing what they are.
Georgia O'KeeffeHe wanted head and hands and arms on a pillow - in many different positions. I was asked to move my hands in many different ways - also my head - and I had to turn this way and that. There were nudes that might have been of several different people - sitting - standing - even standing upon the radiator against the window - that was difficult - radiators don't intend you to stand on top of them. (On being photographed by Alfred Stieglitz)
Georgia O'Keeffe