You could be attached to merely a description of a plant or a flower. Or a narrative of an event. Or rage at injustice. Isaiah and the other Hebrew prophets, in their rage, were being altogether attached - not at all detached, although as I think of the word "detachment," I also think of a sheet of paper, loose from its notebook, fluttering around somewhere in the wind trying to find its home again.
Gerald SternSometimes a person thinks he's attached to one thing and he's really attached to something else.
Gerald SternI feel that my job, as an artist, is to disturb the peace. And to disturb it intellectually, linguistically, politically and literally.
Gerald SternIn America it's a particular problem. The artist, particularly the poet, is just unacknowledged; if I can use that dumb word. Maybe it has always been that way. Maybe the only way he or she can be acknowledged is to be connected with some movement, be it religious or political.
Gerald Stern