What would become of the world without the Devil? Under all the different systems of religion that have guided or misguided the world for the last six thousand years, the Devil has been the grand scapegoat. He has had to bear the blame of every thing that has gone wrong. All the evil that gets committed is laid to his door, and he has, besides, the credit of hindering all the good that has never got done at all. If mankind were not thus one and all victims to the Devil, what an irredeemable set of scoundrels they would be obliged to confess themselves!
Geraldine JewsburyWhilst you live a very little religion seems enough; but believe me, it requires a great deal when you come to die.
Geraldine JewsburyDid you ever see a giraffe? It is like something from between the regions of truth and fiction.
Geraldine Jewsbury